5. Summary
If the horizontal scale is larger,
The size of mesocyclone will grow together. Therefore, the rising air current of mesocyclone becomes stronger.
This stronger rising air will create a greater downward current than when the horizontal scale is smaller. This downdraft will serve as a minicold front.
The analysis that the starting point of the downward current is high means that the size of the mini cold front is large.
This larger mini-cold front helps maintain a stronger rising air current.
The supercell’s updraft gets stronger and this makes the value of highest altitude of the overshooting top get higher.
The slower and larger the clouds are formed.
If the vertical scale is larger,
Number of overshooting tops is larger.
Analysis 1 : Mesocyclone

Analysis 2 : Downdraft

Analysis 3 : Cloud base

Analysis 4 : Overshooting top