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0. Motivation

We choose updraft of mesocyclone because mesocyclone forms tornadoes that cause harm damage and it is the important central axis of supercell.

1. Hypothesis

If Supercell's initial x,y radius increases, mesocyclone's z-wind is expected to blow stronger.

 - Reason : If the initial x,y radius increases, the size of mesocyclone will grow. Thus, the updraft of                                   mesocyclone will also blow stronger.

2. Method

Mesocyclone is very strong updraft, so we can easily recognize them when we look at z-winds.

Arrange the z-winds of mesocyclone for each time and height(2km,3km,4km,5km,6km,7km,8km,9km,10km).

With z radius fixed, we compare the z-winds of mesocyclone when xyrad is 5000, 10000 and 25000.

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