3. Analysis
*Numbering according to the order of overshooting top creation
*Figures are selected by choosing the time and height level that overshooting clouds are clearly observed to show the location and movement of each overshooting cloud.
1. Case1 (xyrad 10000 & zrad 1000)
Height level: 12000:200:15000(m)
Number of overshooting tops observed within 2 hours: 2
(1) The first overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14400m
(2) The second overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14000m
(1) moves down to the right, (2) moves up to the right

2. Case2 (xyrad 10000 & zrad 1500) - Basic case
Height level: 12000:200:15000(m)
Number of overshooting tops observed within 2 hours: 3
(1) The first overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14400m
(2) The second overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14000m
(3) The third overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 13400m
At 01:45 little cumulus started to appear and at 01:55 (3) created. At 02:00 (1) and (3) are supposed to maintain overshooting tops out of the screen based on z wind component.

3. Case3 (xyrad 10000 & zrad 2000)
Height level: 12000:200:15000(m)
Number of overshooting tops observed within 2 hours: 3
(1) The first overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14400m
(2) The second overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14000m
(3) The third overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 13800m
Similar to Case2. At 01:55 (1) is supposed to not maintain overshooting tops out of the screen based on z wind component.

4. Case4 (xyrad 10000 & zrad 2500)
Height level: 12000:200:15000(m)
Number of overshooting tops observed within 2 hours: 4
(1) The first overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14400m
(2) The second overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14000m
(3) The third overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 13000m
(4) The forth overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 13000m
(3) and (4) appeared at last. ((3) is at 01:55 and (4) is at 02:00.) Both cases have low value of highest altitudes of 13000m but it’s better to determine these are the different overshooting tops form (1) and (2).

5. Case5 (xyrad 5000 & zrad 1500)
Height level: 11800:200:14800(m)
Number of overshooting tops observed within 2 hours: 2
(1) The first overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14200m
(2) The second overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14000m
The highest altitude has never exceeded 14400m, so modify the height level.

6. Case6 (xyrad 15000 & zrad 1500)
Height level: 11800:200:14800(m)
Number of overshooting tops observed within 2 hours: 3
(1) The first overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14400m
(2) The second overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14200m
(3) The third overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 13000m
Similar to Case4. But in Case6, it’s better to determine that at location of (4) only anvil is created, not overshooting top.

7. Case7 (xyrad 25000 & zrad 1500)
Height level: 11800:200:14800(m)
Number of overshooting tops observed within 2 hours: 3
(1) The first overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14400m
(2) The second overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 14000m
(3) The third overshooting top cloud's highest altitude: 13000m
Z-wind component line makes more complex figure than other cases.

8. Graph & Chart
4. Conclusion
As both initial zrad and xyrad increase, the number of overshooting tops observed within the range increases.
When initial xyrad is 5000, the highest altitude of overshooting tops 14200 m, the lowest altitude.