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0. Motivation

Without changing the influencing variables in cloud development, such as the amount of water vapor, we wonder what effect there was on cloud development when the initial value of xyrad is large, i.e. when the initial horizontal scale is large.

1. Hypothesis

If the initial horizontal scale is large, at supercell cloud base,

1. The level of development is the same in the initial period (0min~30min) and simply xy size of cloud will grow.
2. Max value of z-winds(absolute value) will also be proportional.

2. Method

- The zrad is fixed at 1500 m

- and the xyrad is changed to 5000 m, 15000 m, and 25000 m, respectively, based on 10000 m.

- So, for a total of 1(5000,1500), 2(10000,1500), 3(25000,1500), and 4(25000,1500),

- we figure out the qc(cloud water mixing ratio) value using printMinMax of command at a height of 2km at               which cloud base is most visible at intervals of 5min to 5min to 30 min.

- And we compare the aspect of the qc and the max value of z-winds of each other.

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