0. Motivation
Overshooting top is an important component in nowcasting because thunderstorms with stronger and more persistent updrafts will generate more pronounced and longer-lived overshooting tops. Therefore, we choose overshooting top.
1. Hypothesis
As the overshooting top is caused by strong updraft,
1) We expect the higher initial zrad value will occur the higher and more overshooting tops.
2) We expect that initial xyrad value do not affect the highest elevation of the overshooting top, but affect the number of overshooting tops.
2. Method
To find the accurate location of the overshooting tops, we follow the steps below to analyze the overshooting tops of each case.
Find the height levels at which the anvil is well observed.
Look at the value of cloud water mixing ratio and z wind together at those levels and uppers to find the overshooting tops.
Make a time series for each case and analyze.

Case setting :